Monday, July 16, 2012

Bonus Miles et Malus

The Tale of the Two Soldiers

Bonus miles Romam matrem grandem curat et tenet in animo res graves. Malus bibit tantum vinum purum nocte ut de nihil mane cogitat. Bonus miles arma exterget expolitque. Malus arma obsolescere patitur. Bonus suam uxorem amat. Malus ad feminas noctis ardet, sed odit suam matrem.
Eheu! Caput cognoscet malum militem et mallet cognoscere bonum, qui vigilat.
Bonus mortem gloriosam in bello habebit et malus effluebit.

obsolescere - (derivative: obsolete) to go out of use, decay
expolitque - (-que ending means "and") polishes
effluebit - e/ex + fluo = flow away = be forgotten

Why do you think the leader pays more attention to the Malus?

Notice how at the end Malus gets one verb to describe him, but Bonus gets a grand description.

Mater is used twice! Where?