Scene II
(Mater is sitting in a chair
reading to the side. Maxima, Petrus, Hilaria, and the Gemini are playing
hopscotch to another side.)
Narrator: The liberes are
playing hopscotch outside and mater is enjoying some quiet time, but the Gemini
are up to something. (Gemini are off to the side watching other kids play.)
Tullius: Let’s play a dolus
on mater. (Gemini giggle and then
walk up to mater looking concerned
and anxious.)
Gemini: Mater! Mater!
Mater: Quid?! Quid?!
Gemini: Hilaria, our soror, fell and twisted her ankle! Veni!
Veni! (Motion mater to come and mater jumps up and rushes to the hopscotch came
to find that everything is alright. Gemini snicker and giggle. Mater gives them
a look then goes back to chair to read.)
Narrator: That was a naughty
trick, pueri, a dolus nequam. (Gemini sit
near game and look bored. Then they whisper in each others’ ear, jump up and
run to mater.)
Gemini: Mater! Mater!
Mater: Quid?! Quid?!
Gemini: Petrus, our frater, has a bloody nose! Veni! Veni! (Mater jumps up and runs to the boy, but sees that nothing is
wrong and gives the boys a look. Gemini laugh out loud.)
Gemini: Est ridiculum!
Everyone (on stage): Pueri! Non est ridiculum! (Mater goes
back to reading and kids resume game.)
(Suddenly, Maxima during her turn at hopscotch,
stumbles and skins her knee. The Gemini jump up and rush to mater.)
Gemini: Mater! Mater!
Mater: Quid? (Looking annoyed.)
Gemini: Maxima, our amica… (mater
Mater (calmly looking back at
her book): I don’t believe you. Go and play.
(The Gemini see how much
their friend is in pain and go get a band-aid themselves and help her up…)
Narrator: In the end they had
to help their amica themselves
because mater did not believe them.
That’s why this moral stands true: “A liar will not be believed, even when he
speaks the truth.” (All exit except for Quintus.)