Wednesday, March 6, 2013

Caesar's De Bello Gallico...Pueris

Caesar et Periculum Frigidi
Julius Caesar
Caesar in Gallia pugnabat. Gallia est patria frigida. 
Multi Galli sunt socii sed multi sunt hostes. 
Caesar multos milites et equos habebat, sic cibum ab Gallis rogabat.
Galli nec pabulum nec frumentum ab agris non habebant.
Caesar est miserus sed movet milites et equos protinus.

This passage will work well with young students who are learning Latin from Latin for Children Primer A.
Many of the words found in this passage are from the first 18 chapters of that particular series. I'll post back here how my third graders did with the passage. Happy translating!

Listed below is a glossary for some words.

frigida: cold
hostes: enemies
milites: soldiers
sic: so
rogabat: he was asking (asked)
ab: from
protinus: forward

P.S. - If you are wondering where I got the idea for this passage, I got the idea from reading De Bello Gallic I : Ch. XVI.

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